Friday, July 27, 2018


Coast region residents have for many years suffered courtesy of historical land injustices that dates back in the early years of Kenya attaining her self rule. Over fifty years now majority of coasterians are still squatters on their own land and have never seen the value of their land,yet land is the biggest factor of production.

A report released on 20th May,2013 by the Truth,Justice and Reconciliation Commission TJRC indicated that the Mijikenda,Taita and Pokomo communities in the Coast have suffered the worst land-related injustices since independence and successive governments did little or nothing to solve the problem. TJRC in the report said land injustices was in different forms from alienation of public and trust land,special treatment of specific ethnic groups in settlement schemes at the expense of most deserving landless, forceful settlement of members of a community outside their homelands,forceful evictions and land grabbing by politicians who were in the same political correct bus with the government.While the above injustices were fueled and perpetuated by powerful government officials then and majority were not our own people. The Story of acquiring a loan worth hundreds of million from Development bank using a provisional GIRIAMA RANCH title deed,a piece of land which is about 66,000 acres in Bamba Ward,Ganze Sub County in Kilifi County is purely our own making a classic and well masterminded betrayal of the people by some top politicians and legal minds of the Mijikenda land. Those struggling to put the last nail on the coffin of Giriama ranch, people who are determined by all means to push to the further end of the storm any boat intending to help the locals in BAMBA get their shamba are our own sons and daughters of Kilifi. Those who worked hard to ensure Giriama Ranch is a private limited company are our own. Like dogs they have turned to our own hens which they should secure as the menu of the day.

GIRIAMA RANCH story is not new. It has been there for many years with politicians using it as a campaign tool to secure votes and then never again associate themselves with the problem. Last year the Giriama ranch issue came to limelight residents protested as usually politicians took advantage and gained political mileage then resorted to their comfort beds when the temperatures reduced and left the land grabbers and perpetuators of injustices to continue with their legally ways of grabbing the land only for the politicians to wake up when the guys are about to make billions using the public land.

The Giriama Ranch battle will be won by  residents and the elites in community must spearhead the war by ensuring no developer will be ready to invest his billions in a no go zone land. And if politicians and lawyers must be procured then they must be vetted squarely because the enemy is within and has well established deep rooted political connections!!

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